slide La Partnership Con Bugnion

The Partnership with Bugnion

The Costa-Creta Law Firm works for over 40 years with Italian and European companies in the area of consultancy on intellectual and industrial property, as a member of the Bugnion Legal circuit

The Costa-Creta Law Firm works in partnership with Bugnion S.p.A., which has been for over 40 years one of the foremost Italian and European companies in the area of consultancy on intellectual and industrial property, as a member of the Bugnion Legal circuit.

This collaboration was established to offer customers a complete and integrated service in the field of intellectual property, where the constant interaction between attorneys and consultants working in the filing and prosecution of property titles provides a fundamental resource.

Bugnion S.p.A. is one of Italy’s foremost companies in the field of intellectual property, present in 15 locations in Italy, with over 200 employees and consultants and a network of correspondents in all countries of the world. The professionals working with Bugnion have a background of scientific, economic, linguistic and legal training and offer wide-ranging experience both within Italy and internationally; they are members of leading, qualified associations dealing with industrial and intellectual property worldwide.